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外籍人才招聘启事Recruitment Advertisement 2019


TheSchool of International Sport Organizations(ForeignLanguagesSchool)of Beijing Sport University recruits native-like speakers as foreign experts all year round.


Position: Full-time foreignteacher (lecturer, associate professor, professor)







承担课程:Teaching subjects:

口语Oral Class

文化和历史类课程Culture & History

听说课程Listening and Speaking

演讲与辩论Public Speaking and Debate


体育英语视听说Sports English listening and Speaking

国际体育组织International (Sport)Organizations



Nativelike speakers with the bachelor degree or above

2. 大学毕业后有至少两年的教学经历(有大学教学经验优先)At leasttwo years’teaching experience(preferably at the university level)after graduation from university.

符合以下条件之一的,可免除教学经历要求:Someone meets any of the following conditions, can be exempt from the work experience requirements:

---硕士学位,且专业与教学要求相符Master’s degree and the majors match with the positions.

---教育学或师范院校毕业Bachelor’s degree or aboveineducation or from teacher’s (normal) university;

---取得国际公认的教师资格证,Achieved internationally recognizedteaching certificates.


--- 给本科学生授课(每周12-16学时)teaching undergraduate students (12-16 hours/week)

--- 批阅试卷,完成考试相关文件grading exam papers and completing relevantdocuments required by the office

--- 参与学生活动taking part in students’ activities (e.g. judging contests)

--- 编辑、修订教学材料composing and revising teaching materials

班级规模Class size: 每班最多25人Maximum25 students per class

合同期Contract duration: 一学年One academic school year(一年后可续聘can extend after a year)


1)免费精装独立公寓或租房补贴Free well-furnished apartmentorrent subsidy

2)往返经济舱机票One round-trip airfare from/ to home country (economy class)

3)免费代办工作签证Free working z-visa/F visa help

4)医疗保险Insurance and Medical care

5)年薪132000-248340不等Year salary 132000-248340; 另外有节假日补助和年终奖plus holiday allowance and year bonus

工资级别Salary Category:面谈,根据不同教育背景和经历定岗定级。Discussed during interview. Different position categories havedifferent allowance depending on Degree and experience.

申请工作签证材料Materials for the Application of Z visa :

    1. 护照信息页Copy of your passport page with personal information

    2. 最高学位(学历)证书原件及认证(需经我驻外使、领馆或由申请人获得学位(学历)所在国驻华使、领馆认证)Original or notarized copies of highest degree diploma and professional certificate (notarized/legalized by Chinese overseas embassies and consulates or oversea embassies in China)

    3. 简历CV (教育经历及工作经历不间断描述至今,日期具体到月,年份不能有空缺Describe education and working experience ceaselessly from undergraduate education up to now, accurate to month. There should be no gap year between the years )

    4. 体检证明原件Health certificate (original copy) (由中国检验检疫机构出具的境外人员体格检查记录验证证明或健康检查证明书,或经中国检验检疫机构认可的境外卫生医疗机构出具的体检证明,签发时间均在6个月内。Issued within 6 months, by Health and Medical Institutions, which should be listed on the websites of embassies and consulates.Apply for Physical Examination Record for Foreigner after entering China)

    5. 无犯罪纪录证明原件Non-criminal Record (original copy) (应当由申请人国籍国或经常居住地警察、安全、法院等部门出具并经我驻外使领馆认证或外国驻华使领馆认证。Issued within 6 months, by departments of Police, Security and Courts of habitual residence and authenticated by Chinese overseas embassies and consulates or oversea embassies in China)

    6. 申请人6个月内正面免冠照片3张及电子版(白色背景,JPG格式,大小40-120k字节之间,不低于354(宽)*742(高)像素,不大于420*560像素、24真色彩)3 Recent ID photo and its .jpg file (white background, 40k~120k bytes, pixel size <=""420(width)*560(height)

    7. 由申请人原工作过的单位出具近两年从事与现聘岗位相关的工作经历证明,需加盖公章或负责人签字,并留有证明联系人有效联系电话或电子邮件。Recommendation letter/ employee reference letter/working records for the last two years from the previous employers(including contacts, contacting phone number, official stamp of Personnel Department)


邮件Email: bsufld@bsu.edu.cn,

联系电话Contact phone: +86 10 6297 5840

地址:Location: 北京海淀区上地信息路48号,北京体育大学国际体育组织学院School of International Sport Organizations, Beijing Sport University,

Shangdi, Xinxi Road 48, Haidian District, Beijing China. Postcode:100084